Best Time To Eat Carbohydrates
There’s been research that has found breakfast to be the best time for carbs.
There’s also been research that has found consuming carbs at dinner is best.
Interesting enough - some research has found no difference in weight loss by consuming carbohydrates at breakfast or dinner.
So where does that leave us?
Completely open!
This means we must learn to be a student of our own body and behavior. Follow your personal evidence, and track your experience.
• Make sure that you’re doing what works for you, not what works for someone else.
• The most important thing is to make high quality choices that are consistent.• Nutrient timing can be helpful, or it can add a layer of unnecessary effort.
• It all depends on where you’re at in your life right now.
===> • If your building muscle or you’re an endurance athlete, nutrient timing is much different than if you're overweight and just getting started on an exercise routine and improving your nutrition
.===> • If you're just starting out, you do not need specific nutrient timing protocols.
1. How much are you eating?
Eat until you’re satisfied instead of stuffed
2. How you are eating?
Eat slowly and mindfully, without distraction
3. Why are you eating?
Hungry, bored, stress, peer pressure, triggered by rewarding food.
4. What are you eating?
Stick with minimally processed proteins, vegetables, fruits, healthy starches, and healthy fats.
5.Are you doing #1-#4 consistently?
Aim for 80% consistency before moving on.
Then consider...
6. When to eat carbohydrates?
Once you master #1-#4 you can consider adding nutrient timing
Here's to our Journey,
Katie Osterhoff
Online Nutrition & Fitness Mentor
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