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Tips For Overwhelmed Moms

Are you putting your health, exercise, or feeding your mind to the sidelines?

There’s this thing called SELF-CARE.

Have you heard of it?⠀

The oxford living dictionary put self-care in these terms...

“The practice of taking action to preserve or improve one's own health. 1.1 The practice of taking an active role in protecting one's own well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress.”

Is this something you are actively doing in your life?

If not, why?

I know it’s super easy to put other people‘s needs above your own, and not take the time to journal or exercise or plan healthy meals.

Those things are necessary to have well-being.

Look, if you’ve still got kids in the house, it’s stressful. Regardless how good things may be.

There’s a household to run, cabinets and a refrigerator (or 2) to keep stocked with food.

Little people that need guidance and training in how to survive and flourish in this world, and if your kids participate in activities or clubs, there’s that too.

Practices, games, recital’s, concerts, meets, conferences to attend, homework to help with, oh yeah don’t forget about teaching them how to brush her teeth and apply for their first job, birthday parties, orthodontist/doctors appointments, and resolving conflict between siblings

You’d be lying if you said it didn’t exhaust you.

Because it’s straight up exhausting!!

But just because it’s exhausting does not mean we don’t like it?

I LOVE being a mom, but does that make it easy and enjoyable ALL OF THE TIME?

We must take care of ourselves SO we can be the best moms and wives, and employees/employers and friends possible.


Some self-care starting points: *Scheduling 15 minutes a day to do self reflection, and/or journal *A specific time to sit down to read *Exercising for certain duration of time and how many days of the week *Browsing through a recipe book to pick out what you'll put on your Weekly dinner menu *10 to 30 minutes of stretching (I like to do this in silence, or listening to a podcast)

Here’s what you’ll do:

1. Find the days and times you will put this on your calendar

2. Write it down like you were a meeting with anyone else.

3. During your blocked out time, be sure to get rid of any interruptions. This is not the time to check email, text, or be on social media. This is to be a time to reflect, and take care of your mental, emotional and physical health..

4. When the day and time comes, follow through.

You’ll begin to relax more and have a sense of peace knowing that YOU TOO are being taken care of.


Schedule in your self-care ❤️

Here's to our Journey,


Katie Osterhoff

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